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A Former Coinbase Lawyer Is About to Become Acting Head of US Bank Regulator

A Former Coinbase Lawyer Is About to Become Acting Head of US Bank Regulator

Brian Brooks, a former Coinbase lawyer and the No. 2 at a U.S. banking regulator, may soon take the top job – at least, temporarily.

发表于: 2020-05-20 00:43:49

Why Cardano Founder Chose Wyoming Over the ‘Giant Egos’ at Harvard

Why Cardano Founder Chose Wyoming Over the ‘Giant Egos’ at Harvard

Cardano founder Charles Hoskison explains why University of Wyoming represents a better return on investment for IOHK than Harvard, MIT or Cornell.

发表于: 2020-05-20 00:26:00

Prominent VC: Crypto Social Media Activity Growing 200% Every Year

Prominent VC: Crypto Social Media Activity Growing 200% Every Year

Research from crypto-friendly venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz found that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for Bitcoin’s price and social media activity regarding cryptocurrencies reache...

发表于: 2020-05-20 00:00:05

Chinese Communist Party Adds Crypto to Curriculum

Chinese Communist Party Adds Crypto to Curriculum

Chinese Communist Party school publishes a new book on crypto.

发表于: 2020-05-19 23:50:00

Bitcoin, Ethereum CMBI indexes perform well, but small-cap assets take the cake

Bitcoin, Ethereum CMBI indexes perform well, but small-cap assets take the cake

A monumental week is now finally over for Bitcoin, with the world's largest digital asset completing its 3rd Bitcoin halving on 11 May. The crypto-asset registered a minor dip 2 days before the event...

发表于: 2020-05-19 23:30:33

Is Kim Kardashian's 'Casual Racism' Really All That Surprising?

Is Kim Kardashian's 'Casual Racism' Really All That Surprising?

Kim Kardashian is being accused of "casual racism" with her new SKIMS face masks. But, if you know her history, this isn't surprising.

发表于: 2020-05-19 23:28:29



24小时 24小时
BTC-USDT 390,277.43 3,778,851,844.46
BTC-USD 57,120.67 552,999,912.81
BTC-JPY 52,115.74 54,264,018,922.89
BTC-QC 28,784.46 1,967,677,804.12
BTC-EUR 15,241.97 135,114,192.09
Dominance Donut

Dominance Donut

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